1,132 research outputs found

    The amendment of acid soil with an ettringitic waste and its effects on plant growth

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    Bibliography: pages 63-68.Associated with ESKOM's ash water beneficiation programme is the precipitation of an ettringitic waste from highly alkaline, saline water. The waste is dominated by ettringite (CauAJ4(OH)24(S04) 6.52H20) with calcite (CaC03) as a minor phase (17.7% for the sample used in this study). Apart from the presence of calcite, the ettringite itself is alkaline due to the presence of OH ions. Following a submission that the waste had potential as an ameliorant of acid soil, research into this possibility was initiated. Following the determination of a calcium carbonate equivalent (HCl-CCE) value of 78% using the HCl back titration method of Horwitz (1980), an incubation experiment was initiated using three acid soils of contrasting characteristics: a so-called Silvermine sand, Kranskop A and Kranskop B soils. The effects on soil acidity of ettringitic waste were compared with analytical grade calcite. Soils (50g samples) were incubated with the two alkaline amendments for two weeks, following which pH(KCl), pH(H20) and KCl-extractable acidity were determined. Ettringitic waste led to apparently lower levels of acidity neutralization for corresponding treatments set on an HCl-CCE basis. This difference was minimized with the highly buffered, sesquioxide and organic-rich Kranskop A soil which could be attributed to the greater reactivity of the ettringitic waste with organically-complexed acidity together with the "self-liming" effect of so4 in sesquioxide-rich soils (sensu Reeve & Sumner, 1972). The waste showed progressively less neutralization with Kranskop B and Silvermine soils apparently in response to a decline in buffering capacity of these soils

    Pharmacoepidemiology for nephrologists: do proton pump inhibitors cause chronic kidney disease?

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    Pharmacoepidemiology studies are increasingly used for research into safe prescribing in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Typically, patients prescribed a drug are compared with patients who are not on the drug and outcomes are compared to draw conclusions about the drug effects. This review article aims to provide the reader with a framework to critically appraise such research. A key concern in pharmacoepidemiology studies is confounding, in that patients who have worse health status are prescribed more drugs or different agents and their worse outcomes are attributed to the drugs not the health status. It may be challenging to adjust for this using statistical methods unless a comparison group with a similar health status but who are prescribed a different (comparison) drug(s) is identified. Another challenge in pharmacoepidemiology is outcome misclassification, as people who are more ill engage more often with the health service, leading to earlier diagnosis in people who are frequent attenders. Finally, using replication cohorts with the same methodology in the same type of health system does not ensure that findings are more robust. We use two recent papers that investigated the association of proton pump inhibitor drugs with CKD as a device to review the main pitfalls of pharmacoepidemiology studies and how to attempt to mitigate against potential biases that can occur

    Designing a methodology for surveying fish populations in freshwater lakes

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    This report was commissioned to review available fish survey methods and the limitations and constraints presented by the lakes within the SSSI series, to design a standardised, practical, and representative method for fish survey which could be reasonably applied throughout the SSSI lakes to achieve comparable results. The report then goes on to design a study which applies this fish survey design to a selection of SSSI lakes to ascertain whether fish are likely to be contributing to their unfavourable condition. This report has been used to inform a follow up study which seeks to apply the fish survey techniques to a range of SSSI lakes to ascertain information about their fish populations and their likely impact on SSSI condition. The report also includes a comprehensive review of fish survey methods and concludes with a recommended standardised fish survey method which can be applied consistently across different SSSIs to provide comparable quantitative results. It is expected that this methodology can be applied in subsequent fish surveys commissioned on SSSI lakes, to provide more robust and repeatable results

    Heterogeneity of germline variants in high risk breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility genes in India

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    Breast and ovarian cancers now account for one in three cancers in Indian women and their incidence is rising. Major differences in the clinical presentation of breast and ovarian cancers exist between India and the United Kingdom. For example, Indian patients with breast cancer typically present a decade earlier than in the UK. Reasons for this could be multifactorial, including differences in underlying biology, environmental risks, and other systematic factors including access to screening. One possible explanation lies in variable incidence or penetrance of germline mutations in genes such as BRCA1 and BRCA2. We performed a methodical database and literature review to investigate the prevalence and spectrum of high-risk cancer susceptibility genes in Indian patients with breast and ovarian cancers. We identified 148 articles, but most studies were small, with inconsistent inclusion criteria and based on heterogeneous technologies, so that mutation frequency could not be reliably ascertained. Data were also often lacking on penetrance, histopathology, and survival outcomes. After filtering out unsuitable studies, only 13 remained, comprising 1028 patients. Large-scale research studies are urgently needed to determine mutation prevalence, spectra, and clinico-pathological features, and hence derive guidelines for screening, treatment, and prevention specific to the Indian population
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